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API Reference

This article discusses the API and props of MuiOtpInput. Props are defined within MuiOtpInputProps.


  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: ''
<MuiOtpInput />
<MuiOtpInput value="A3B7" />


  • Type: (value: string) => void
  • Default: undefined

Gets called once the user updates one of the inputs.

const handleChange = (value) => {
value: "A"

<MuiOtpInput onChange={handleChange} />


  • Type: number
  • Default: 4

Choose the number of inputs to display, it also represents the length of the final value.

<MuiOtpInput length={6} />


  • Type: (value: string) => void
  • Default: undefined

Gets called once the user has filled all inputs.

const handleComplete = (value) => {
value: "ABCD"

<MuiOtpInput length={4} onComplete={handleComplete} />


  • Type: ((value: string, isCompleted: boolean) => void) | undefined
  • Default: undefined

Unlike the normal type of a TextField['onBlur'] prop, here it only triggers when no input of the component is focused.

<MuiOtpInput onBlur={() => console.log('no input of the component is focused')} />


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Choose to auto focus the first input.

<MuiOtpInput autoFocus />


  • Type: (value: string, index: number) => boolean
  • Default: () => true

A function that validates each character during keyPress / paste events. If a user fills in an invalid character (like a letter instead of a number), it will not be displayed.

export function matchIsNumeric(text) {
const isNumber = typeof text === 'number'
const isString = matchIsString(text)
return (isNumber || (isString && text !== '')) && !isNaN(Number(text))

const validateChar = (value, index) => {
return matchIsNumeric(value)

<MuiOtpInput length={4} validateChar={validateChar} />


While not explicitly documented, the props of the MUI TextField component can be used for each TextField.


<MuiOtpInput TextFieldsProps={{ disabled: true, size: 'small' }} />

OR if you want to pass different props depending of the index.

<MuiOtpInput TextFieldsProps={(index) => ({ size: 'small', placeholder: String(index) })}  />


  • Type: string | undefined | (index: number) => string | undefined
  • Default: undefined

Unlike the normal type of a TextField, here you can manage a distinct placeholder for each field.

<MuiOtpInput TextFieldsProps={{ placeholder: '-' }} />
<MuiOtpInput TextFieldsProps={{ placeholder: (index) => `i-${index}` }} />